WithOneSeed mahogany trees distribution in Baguia
This week saw the start of the distribution of 20,000 mahogany saplings from the Bubuha community nursery in the sub district of Baguia in timor Leste.
The Bubuha community nursery is one of three nurseries established by WithOneSeed as part of a significant reforestation project.
WithOneSeed is changing the world one seed at a time.
WithOneSeed works with communities across Australia and the Asia Pacific region to make environments sustainable, to end poverty and hunger, to build knowledge and to create regional partnerships.
Reforestation is a key response to global climate change. It provides a highly effective form of carbon capture and storage while reducing soil erosion and degradation and improving the habitat and water table.
Subsistence farmers are paid on an annual basis to manage and maintain the reforestation of their land.
The fundamental building blocks for the operation of WithOneSeed are establishment of village-based, self-managed Community Tree Cooperatives.
The Baguia Community Tree Cooperative is a subsistence community consisting of 180 land-owners located in the Baguia Sub- District in Timor Leste.
At the end of this planting season the Community Tree Cooperative will have over 40,000 mahogany trees under management.