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Join Campaign 101010: Make a donation now

Together We Can Make a Difference. As people living on this planet interested in climate change and community empowerment, your role in this campaign is crucial. Reducing CO2e from the global atmosphere is a collective responsibility, and we all have a role in keeping climate breakdown under control.

Currently, the focus is on us as individuals to take action. But what if we turn that on its head and all act in concert with nature by supporting those who can directly act, such as planting and growing a tree?

The Vision of Campaign 101010

We aim to fund tree farmers in Timor-Leste to plant and grow 10 million trees over ten years. With an investment of $10 million, these trees will sequester more than 20 million tCO2e over the next 30 years. This is not just a local project; it’s a global mission with a profound impact, and your support is crucial in making this a reality.

Why Campaign 101010?

  • Collective Impact: Instead of each of us purchasing a small amount of carbon credits to offset our footprint to be net zero, we collaborate to generate a significant carbon store in the forests of Timor-Leste.
  • Environmental Benefits: Planting and nurturing 10 million trees significantly reduce global CO2e levels, helping combat climate change.
  • Economic and Social Empowerment: The carbon credits generated through this community action would be owned and traded by the farmers growing the trees. By trading these credits, tree farmers will build local village economies. This empowers individuals, giving them the power to make decisions for themselves. It moves away from using charity and aid to suppress initiative and self-determination.

You Can Help

  • Support Tree Farmers: Your contributions will directly fund the planting and growth of trees, providing long-term benefits for the planet and the people of Timor-Leste.
  • Spread the Word: Share our mission with your network to amplify our impact. The more people who join, the more significant the difference we can make.
  • Join the Movement: Simple action, many people, big impact. We can create a significant change and ensure a healthier planet for future generations by coming together.

Our Commitment

We are dedicated to transparency and measurable results. TreeO2 is a unique forestry management platform designed to manage Campaign 101010. Utilising a blend of hardware and mobile-based software, TreeO2 establishes a transparent and precise inventory for each tree planted. This technology ensures meticulous tracking and management of tree planting activities, enhancing the program’s transparency, accountability, and effectiveness in fostering sustainable forestry practices and generating carbon credits.

Over the next decade, we will provide regular updates on our progress, showing the trees’ growth and their positive impact on the environment and local communities. We have developed a unique platform called TreeO2.  

Your trust in us is essential; we are committed to earning and maintaining it.

Join us in this call to action of impact at scale. Together, we can achieve something extraordinary.

Campaign 101010: Simple action, many people, big impact.

 Each dollar donated will contribute to the planting and nurturing a tree for a year. This initiative is about the immediate environmental impact and the long-term benefits it can bring.

It aims to involve 20,000 subsistence farming families, sequester over 20 million tonnes of CO2e, and generate significant ‘in-pocket’ income benefits over 30 years, thereby creating a sustainable cycle of environmental, economic, and social justice impacts. It is built on the successful WithOneSeed community forestry model started in 2010.

Get involved. Donate now

Campaign 101010 is a transformative initiative, a beacon of hope, aimed at reforesting Timor-Leste, combating climate change, and providing economic opportunities for local communities. This campaign will make a significant and lasting impact by engaging many supporters, from individual donors to corporate sponsors and influencers.

Carbon in the atmosphere is our collective responsibility. Let’s act collectively to reduce it.

Further information:

Andrew Mahar AM

+61 (0)401009242

Each tree costs $10, which is used to propagate and pay farmers to grow trees. This is tax-deductible in Australia. 

You will receive an email with a link to view your adopted trees and the farmer who manages them.

Click HERE to gift a tree. We will send you the equivalent number of trees. If this is a gift, please add the person’s name and email address in the Notes section on the donation page.

$10 will grow a tree, trees, $20 will grow 2 trees, $100 will grow 10 trees.

Note: You can also make a recurring donation to increase your impact.

If you like the work of WithOneSeed, you can make a tax-deductible donation to the WithOneSeed sub-fund managed by the Australian Communities Foundation.

We have just completed the biggest tree count on the planet, with 405,761 forest trees under management by over 1,000 Timorese smallholder tree farmers.

These trees are drawing down carbon from the global atmosphere, delivering an annual income to the subsistence tree farmers and regenerating the local environment by stopping soil erosion and degradation, thereby improving the soil for food production and addressing the water table issues.

Supporting the WithOneSeed community forestry program is unlike many other tree-planting programs.  The key reason for this is that we are growing trees, not just planting trees, and we pay tree farmers an annual incentive to nurture their trees on their land.  We also annually monitor the trees’ growth using a purpose-designed community forestry management platform called TreeO2. The reason for monitoring, which includes physically counting every tree planted, is two-fold.  First, we pay the tree farmer for every tree she/he keeps alive.  The second is we calculate the carbon stored in the new forests growing under the management of smallholder farmers and sell the carbon through international carbon markets, and return the income to the subsistence tree farming communities.

The TreeO2 community forestry platform enables us to track every tree.  The WithOneSeed community forestry program is internationally certified under the Gold Standard Foundation.

Not a bad contribution to the planet and the subsistence village communities of Timor-Leste.

On behalf of the tree farmers of Baguia, a big thanks.

The WithOneSeed Timor Leste project has embraced the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all.

WithOneSeed particularly helps realise the UN Goals by helping to:

  • end poverty and hunger and promote sustainable farming and lifelong learning
  • promote decent work, sustainable agricultural communities and economic growth
  • take action to combat climate change, manage forests and reverse land degradation
  • encourage global partnerships for sustainable development through relationships with Australian schools
  • empower women and children, and particularly girls, by increasing family income, facilitating children’s education and creating family job prospects.

Furthermore, WithOneSeed also embraces the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in strongly committing to:

  • the right to life, liberty and security of person
  • the right to work, to free choice of employment
  • the right to an adequate standard of living
  • the right to education
  • the right to full and free personal development available through community participation.

To donate to WithOneSeed click HERE  

Taking action on your carbon footprint has never been easier

Combatting climate change starts with one seed …

Reforestation is a key response to global climate change.

It’s a ‘no regrets’ approach as it provides a highly effective form of carbon capture and storage while reducing soil erosion and degradation, improving the habitat, restoring the water table, and boosting crop yields and nutrition.

With just one simple action, you can become a climate changer and join the community of people taking real action on climate change.

To donate to WithOneSeed click HERE


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