WithOneSeed commended
Letter from The Hon Peter Garrett AM MP
Minister for School Education, Early Childhood and Youth November 2012
To whom it may concern
I commend the work of WithOneSeed to develop an education program in partnership with the Royal Botanic Gardens that supports teaching about sustainability and encourages students in Australia to work together with their counterparts in East Timor. WithOneSeed’s education program will support the implementation of the Australian Curriculum in science, geography, and civics and citizenship as well as the cross-curriculum priorities of Sustainability,and Asia and Australia’s Engagement with Asia.The Melbourne Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians, issued by all Ministers for Education in 2008 includes an explicit commitment to supporting young Australians to become active and informed citizens, who are committed to national values of democracy, equity and justice, and participate in Australia’s civic life; are able to relate to and communicate across cultures, especially the cultures and countries of Asia; and work for the common good, in particular sustaining and improving natural and social environments. I congratulate WithOneSeed on its endeavours to date and wish them the very best in helping to achieve these goals.