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International recognition for WithOneSeed

WithOneSeed is one of 20 projects identified globally as winners by the World Economic Forum’s 1 Trillion Trees project. Forests extract and store CO2 from the atmosphere and produce the oxygen we breathe. Forest drawdown is by far the most cost-effective of all the big solutions is to address global climate breakdown.

High in the mountains of Timor-Leste, a group of subsistence farmers earn an income by planting trees, leading the way to a future of self-determination for their families and local communities.

The WithOneSeed community forestry programme began in Baguia, Timor-Leste, in 2009 and is the only Gold Standard certified community carbon offset programme in the region.

Rural communities in Timor-Leste have relied on subsistence farming for generations, with many subsistence families living on less than a dollar per day. Since the country achieved independence in 2002, these same communities have been acutely aware of the negative impact of environmental degradation and the importance of environmental regeneration for their survival.

WithOneSeed provides a solution to enable communities to address these issues and village communities are now reaping the environmental, social and economic benefits of the WithOneSeed community reforestation programme.

Baguia tree farmers
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